If you’ve heard about our foundation, you know that we are shaking up the norm in the plaintiff funding industry. Unlike the for-profit companies who charge exorbitant interest rates and make the cost of capital expensive for plaintiffs in need, the Bairs Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides funding with low, simple interest. Our model is revolutionizing the way people going through litigation access financial support if they are struggling to make ends meet.
Since we began our mission, our innovative approach has been recognized by civil justice advocates across the country. The Foundation for Improvement of Justice honored one of our founders, John Bair, with the 2019 Paul H. Chapman Award, a recognition of innovative and effective works and/or programs whose efforts have made positive influential differences in the U.S. criminal and civil judicial arenas. We have been lauded in publications like Law360 and The Huffington Post. But more and more people are calling us every day, asking for help. Recognition is not enough to keep our own lights on, or to enable us to continue to provide fair funding to plaintiffs. We need more support, so we can continue the momentum, help more people, and promote our fair model to more nonprofits to adopt.
This giving season, consider helping your fellow American have a fair shot at seeing their lawsuit through to its end. Your support will help cover the basic living expenses of those who have fallen victim to tragedy — a situation that could befall anyone. Click here to donate and learn more about our campaign for justice.