Our Campaign for Justice

If you’ve heard about our foundation, you know that we are shaking up the norm in the plaintiff funding industry. Unlike the for-profit companies who charge exorbitant interest rates and make the cost of capital expensive for plaintiffs in need, the Bairs Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides funding with low, simple interest. Our

Giving back to those who have given so much

We are grateful for our veterans’ service and sacrifice. And in our little corner of the civil justice space, our nonprofit is proud to serve them in our own way when they need help making ends meet during litigation.

The Bairs Foundation’s 2019 Co-Founders Letter

Our foundation is pleased to share this year’s cofounders’ letter. We think that the protection and guidance that litigants receive during the course of their lawsuit speaks volumes about our Seventh Amendment and the Civil Justice system in general.