
The Milestone Charitable Foundation Taps Michael Volpe as New Executive Director
BUFFALO, N.Y. – The Milestone Charitable Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting plaintiffs and their families during litigation, is thrilled to announce Michael Volpe as its new Executive Director. Volpe brings a decade of experience in the nonprofit sector, distinguished by a proven track record of success in fundraising and a deep passion for social impact. Read more >>

Fair Pre-Settlement Funding – An Oxymoron or a Viable Alternative?
June 29, 2023
“I have a good client who is in need of pre-settlement funding, which I almost always advise against. But she is desperate, and this case will settle soon. Do you think you can help?” Read more>>

Baron & Budd Attorney Recognized with National Civil Justice Award
Dec. 21, 2022
DALLAS–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Baron & Budd, P.C. ’s Anna Rol has been named to the 2023 class of Compassionate Counsel honorees. In its inaugural year, this distinction is awarded annually by The Milestone Charitable Foundation to a select group of lawyers across the country who are innovative in their pursuit of justice. Press release >>

Inaugural Compassionate Counsel Awards Recognize Civil Justice Innovators
Nov. 30, 2022
BUFFALO, N.Y. /PRNewswire/ — The Milestone Charitable Foundation announces the launch of Compassionate Counsel, a distinction awarded annually to a select group of trial lawyers who are innovative in their pursuit of justice. Four exceptional individuals have been named to the award’s inaugural 2023 class. Press release >>

Alternative Financial Support for Plaintiffs During Litigation with Erin Waas
May 19, 2022
For an individual, merely navigating litigation can be expensive, time consuming, and at times overwhelming. But when that individual is also unable to work, or cannot function normally because they have been disabled by an injury – like the loss of a limb in a railroad accident — or is undergoing treatment for disease – like cancer from a toxic herbicide — that explodes the level of stress on a person and their family. Listen >>

Sasi CEO to retire in May, plus two other leadership transitions
January 18, 2022
The foundation has named Erin Waas executive director. She comes to the organization after eight years in donor communications with the University at Buffalo and Harvard University, plus eight years in fundraising consulting work with Development Guild DDI outside of Boston. Read more >>

How Litigation Funding Can Save, And Doom, Poor Plaintiffs
May 13, 2019
It was late in the high desert city of Alamogordo, New Mexico, and Dawn Farkas was out of gas. She had run her tank almost dry rushing to a hospital emergency room for what turned out to be a panic attack. Farkas, almost 60 years old and suffering from injuries caused by a faulty medical device, climbed into her car in the hospital parking lot, pulled some coats over herself and tried to sleep. Read more >>

Strapped plaintiffs seek options
May 28, 2018
Consultant John Bair has handled settlements for trial lawyers for 20 years. In that time, he’s seen firsthand how expensive non-recourse litigation financing can be on plaintiffs. “We would see the caustic effect that 50 or 80 or 100 percent interest advances – how that would eat up a third or half of a client’s recovery,” Bair said. Read more >>

This Foundation is Changing the Model of Lending for Plaintiffs
January 12, 2018
I have been fortunate to have never been personally involved in litigation. However, my background in the legal industry has given me a window into that world, and I have seen how lawsuits can often turn into marathons for both plaintiffs and their attorneys. Even if a case is leaning toward settlement or a favorable jury verdict, the road to the finish line can be a long one. Read more >>

Tragedy Does not Discriminate.
January 3, 2018
It can happen to a person of any age, race, gender, socioeconomic status, background, occupation, or location. It can come in the form of an automobile accident, a birth trauma, a malfunctioning product, or a medical emergency, just to name a few possibilities. Tragedy can happen anywhere, at any time. Often times, you may hear it described as a “freak accident.” Read more >>

New Legal Funding Option For Plaintiffs in Personal Injury Cases
October 30, 2017
Just imagine what it would be like if you or someone close to you suffers a catastrophic personal injury. Tragic accidents do not discriminate – they can happen to anyone. You’ve been blindsided, and your world may be upside down right now. You’ve filed a lawsuit, but it could be months, sometimes even years, before you see any justice. Read more >>